
Hospitalist Telemedicine Transforms Care in More Ways Than One

2024-04-29T12:01:38-05:00April 26, 2024|

Access TeleCare’s hospitalist telemedicine programs are fully integrated into our partner hospitals, adding capacity and providing expert care management to transform care for hospitals and patients. The programs yield positive impacts for patient care, local physician and clinician satisfaction, and partner hospitals’ [...]

Turning the Tide With Telemedicine: How Rural Hospitals Can Overcome a Perfect Storm of Financial Challenges

2024-04-11T11:05:29-05:00April 19, 2024|

Half of the country’s rural hospitals operate at a loss, with nearly 20 percent of facilities facing the possibility of shutting down completely. A recent report from the Chartis Center for Rural Health highlights what many rural hospitals already know: workforce shortages, [...]

Disrupting the Readmission Cycle With Telemedicine

2024-04-08T15:24:45-05:00April 15, 2024|

Hospital readmissions have many causes, and reducing readmissions can involve addressing multiple non-health care factors, such as transportation. But hospitals can reduce the likelihood of readmission by avoiding transferring patients to another hospital for care. With specialty telemedicine, hospitals can have in-house [...]

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